Foto Asyifa Latief Miss Indonesia 2010
Gambar Foto Profile Asyifa Latief Miss Indonesia 2010

Asyifa Latief Biography :
Asyifa Syafiningdyah Putrambami Latief born on September 20, 1988, in Bandung, West Java. Asyifa Latief managed to become winner of Miss Indonesia 2010 on the night of Miss Indonesia 2010 Top of Central Park on Tuesday (1 / 6) evening, after setting aside the other 32 finalists.
In the evening peak of Miss Indonesia 2010, the Joint Asyifa Latief nine finalists of Miss Indonesia, Asyifa Latief also be competing hard to get tickets top five of Miss Indonesia 2010. In this round, finalists must be able to answer questions posed directly fellow finalist Miss Indonesia well. The winner of this big five will compete for three big ticket Miss Indonesia 2010.
Femina face 2009 semifinalists and finalists Chamber of Commerce Ambassador of 2009 strolled into round five. Asyifa Latief compete with Clarashinta Arumdani, Theresa Yuan Wijaya, Sarita Jena, and Kartika Kusumaningtyas.
Asyifa Latief success in answering questions from beauty expert Martha Tilaar apparently managed to drive her into round three large and make it as Miss Indonesia 2010. In addition to being Miss Indonesia 2010, Asyifa Latief also won the championship for the category Miss Body Beautiful.

Asyifa Latief Biography :
Asyifa Syafiningdyah Putrambami Latief born on September 20, 1988, in Bandung, West Java. Asyifa Latief managed to become winner of Miss Indonesia 2010 on the night of Miss Indonesia 2010 Top of Central Park on Tuesday (1 / 6) evening, after setting aside the other 32 finalists.
In the evening peak of Miss Indonesia 2010, the Joint Asyifa Latief nine finalists of Miss Indonesia, Asyifa Latief also be competing hard to get tickets top five of Miss Indonesia 2010. In this round, finalists must be able to answer questions posed directly fellow finalist Miss Indonesia well. The winner of this big five will compete for three big ticket Miss Indonesia 2010.
Femina face 2009 semifinalists and finalists Chamber of Commerce Ambassador of 2009 strolled into round five. Asyifa Latief compete with Clarashinta Arumdani, Theresa Yuan Wijaya, Sarita Jena, and Kartika Kusumaningtyas.
Asyifa Latief success in answering questions from beauty expert Martha Tilaar apparently managed to drive her into round three large and make it as Miss Indonesia 2010. In addition to being Miss Indonesia 2010, Asyifa Latief also won the championship for the category Miss Body Beautiful.