Sandra Dewi "Beautiful Face Gallery"
Koleksi Foto-Foto Cantik Sandra Dewi on "Beautiful Face Gallery" - Hot Beautiful Celebrity Photo

Enchantment of Sandra Dewi
Once appeared on SCTV, when acting in striping Beautiful Love, Sandra Dewi fascinating. Parallel Laudya Chyntia Bella, Chelsea Olivia, Bunga Zaenal and Shireen Sungkar, Sandra Dewi nominated as a popular actress. Suddenly the news was startling.
"I do not know if I SCTV Award nominations. The SCTV did not tell him. But, if true, I feel happy," said Sandra Dewi, yesterday,
in Jakarta.
Even though it looks happy, beautiful face Bangka bloody woman is more reveal his astonishment. "truth, ya? Honestly, I still do not believe it. endless been a year
ago, I played in sinetron Cinta Indah striping. So, still do not believe it, "Sandra said with a tone that is still doubtful.
In fact it is true, Dewi Sandra will be competing with Flowers Zaenal, Chelsea Olivia Wijaya, Laudya Cynthia Bella, and Shireen Sungkar. When asked would sure win or not, Sandra Dewi just said leave it all to God.
"I do not set targets nothing. Entrance nomination, I have felt grateful. It felt good with my nominated artists beautiful, famous and good acting."
Sandra Dewi also said, "Honestly, if it's to win, I do not know what to do. But, for sure, I'll make it, as a trigger to do even better in the world of acting and achieve career success.

Enchantment of Sandra Dewi
Once appeared on SCTV, when acting in striping Beautiful Love, Sandra Dewi fascinating. Parallel Laudya Chyntia Bella, Chelsea Olivia, Bunga Zaenal and Shireen Sungkar, Sandra Dewi nominated as a popular actress. Suddenly the news was startling.
"I do not know if I SCTV Award nominations. The SCTV did not tell him. But, if true, I feel happy," said Sandra Dewi, yesterday,
in Jakarta.
Even though it looks happy, beautiful face Bangka bloody woman is more reveal his astonishment. "truth, ya? Honestly, I still do not believe it. endless been a year
ago, I played in sinetron Cinta Indah striping. So, still do not believe it, "Sandra said with a tone that is still doubtful.
In fact it is true, Dewi Sandra will be competing with Flowers Zaenal, Chelsea Olivia Wijaya, Laudya Cynthia Bella, and Shireen Sungkar. When asked would sure win or not, Sandra Dewi just said leave it all to God.
"I do not set targets nothing. Entrance nomination, I have felt grateful. It felt good with my nominated artists beautiful, famous and good acting."
Sandra Dewi also said, "Honestly, if it's to win, I do not know what to do. But, for sure, I'll make it, as a trigger to do even better in the world of acting and achieve career success.